Get to know our Speakers

See the course schedule

Until October 30

Welcome to the 17th Course of Digestive Pathology

We are pleased to invite you to The 17th Course on Digestive Pathology, which will take place on 1th-2th of November, 2024. With a history of over a decade, starting in 2008, this event is known to gather eminent colleagues – pathologists, clinicians, scientists – from all over the world, enlightening us on different aspects of digestive pathology and beyond. The interactive course represents a unique occasion for updating our knowledge in pathology through presentations and discussions highlighting news and views in digestive pathology and gastroenterology, as well as the importance of interdisciplinary approach. The topics covered provide an in depth view of a wide variety of common pathological conditions and, moreover, interesting case reports will be included as part of the scientific programme. As always, we look forward to meeting you all, even from a distance!

Gabriel Becheanu (Bucharest, Romania)
Cord Langner (Graz, Austria)


November 1–2, 2024

(Friday to Saturday)


Bucharest. Romania

Radisson Blu Hotel, Bucharest


10 CME credits

Each delegate has access to confirmation of all activities attended (CME confirmation and record of attendance).

Rock music concert

All participants are invited to a rock concert that we are organizing on Friday evening, after the first day of the course, at 7:00 p.m. in the same location.

Secret Society is a rock band from Bucharest, formed in the spring of 2010. The band’s style is heavily influenced by 70s and 80s rock, with bands like Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc. Their numerous concerts in Bucharest clubs and appearances at several important festivals, such as Seawolves Bike Fest, Rock în Parc, Metalhead Meeting, and Mogoșoaia Soundcheck, have always been well-received by the audience. The band’s discography includes a studio album released in 2014, an EP released in 2015 featuring Romanian translations of some tracks from their first album, as well as several singles and music videos released over the last few years.

Meet our Conference Speakers

Registration fees


Standard Registration Fees

140 Euro/person
Friday, the 1th November:
Welcome coffee: water, tea, coffee
Coffee break: water, tea, coffee, pastry
Buffet lunch
Coffee break: water, tea, coffee

Saturday, the 2th November:
Welcome coffee: water, tea, coffee
Coffee break: water, tea, coffee, pastry
Buffet lunch


Online only

20 Euro/person
Covers your participation to the online conference


Taxă înregistrare standard

700 Ron/persoană
Vineri, 01.11:
Welcome coffee: apă, ceai, cafea
Coffee break: apă, ceai, cafea, patiserie
Masă de prânz tip bufet
Coffee break: apă, ceai, cafea

Sâmbătă 02.11:
Welcome coffee: apă, ceai, cafea
Coffee break: apă, ceai, cafea, patiserie
Masă de prânz tip bufet


Participare online

100 Ron/persoană
Este acoperită participarea online în cadrul conferinței
  • “Victor Babes” National Institute of Pathology
  • Romanian Division of the International Academy of Pathology
  • Digestive Pathology Association
  • Department of Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

  • Gabriel Becheanu, Bucharest, Romania
  • Cord Langner, Graz, Austria
  • Diana Enea, Bucharest, Romania
  • Maria-Alexandra Florea, Bucharest, Romania
  • Corina Mehotin, Tulcea, Romania
  • Florina Neacsu, Bucharest, Romania
  • Oana Neagu, Bucharest, Romania
  • Irina-Alexandra Ostahi, Luxembourg
  • Oana Sandu, Targoviste, Romania
  • Irina Tudor, Bucharest, Romania